Bethany Community School Parent’s Guide to Student Achievement
The objective of Bethany Community School is to offer parents and guardians access to information regarding student achievement via the school’s Parent's Guide to Student Achievement (PGSA). Should you wish to obtain paper copies of this document and its contents, you can make a request through the main office.
- How can my child be promoted to the next grade level?
- What is my child learning at school? How can a parent review these materials?
- How will a parent learn about my child’s progress in school or with a class?
- How can I support my student’s learning?
- What are the qualifications of my child’s teachers?
- What are the requirements for school enrollment?
- How can a parent help their child develop citizenship, social skills and respect for others?
- How can a parent strengthen communication with the school/teacher?
- What services are available for parents and their children?
- What are opportunities for parents to participate with school?
- What are the rigorous academic programs available to my child? How can I learn more about them?
- What rights do students with disabilities have based on the law?
- What is the contact information for the schools and district office?
- What are some resources to support my child’s health and wellbeing?
- What immunizations are required and when should they be scheduled?