Becoming an engaged user will help you help your student thrive! Teachers, PTO, coaches, club leaders, and other school personnel will use ParentSquare to communicate about assignments, standardized testing, field trips, volunteer opportunities, and more. Below are some ways to join the conversation.
Participate: Click ‘Sign Ups & RSVPs’ in the sidebar to see available opportunities. Click the bell on top to check your commitments.
TIP: You click on ‘Sign Ups & RSVPs’ at the TOP of the message.
Get in Touch: Click ‘Messages’ in the sidebar to privately get in touch with staff and teachers. To send a message to a teacher or staff member,
Click New Message to start your message.
Enter Recipients by typing the first few letters of the staff member's name
OR, use Quick Select Recipients to select your child's teacher from a list.
Type your message and click Send.
Appreciate Posts: Click ‘Appreciate’ in your email/app or website to thank a teacher or staff member for a post.
Send a Comment to the Sender: Send a comment or question to the sender of your message.
TIP: BCS has opted to make comments viewable ONLY to the sender of the message, so other parents cannot respond to your comments.
Get Photos & Files: Click ‘Photos & Files’ in sidebar to access pictures, forms, and documents that have been shared with you.